Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Nose Theft is Nothing To Sneeze At!


New York Times
July 24, 2009

Michael Jackson wore a prosthetic nose, according a report -- and it was missing from his surgically mangled face as he lay in an LA morgue.

Left behind was a small, dark hole surrounded by bits of cartilage, Rolling Stone magazine said, citing witnesses who saw the King of Pop's body on the autopsy table.

Jackson, who was notoriously shy about his appearance, wore the prosthetic to mask the effects of decades of plastic surgery, according to the magazine, due to hit newsstands today.

This thing just keeps getting more and more weird. Frankly, I'm more than sick to death of the story in the first place. But this turn of events was just strange enough to get my attention and post. I just have a nose for finding these sort of stories, I guess

Wonder who gave Rolling Stone the tip in the first place?

Something here just doesn't pass the smell test! Who nose where it might turn up - have they checked eBay yet? I sure hope someone is sniffing around for clues. I have a scents that the nose may be found in an ol' factory. But only the nose knows......or was it the Shadow nose?

I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere...when it stops running.

Just my two scents worth.

Please...make me stop!

No idea who came up with this great photo, but if anyone lets me know, I'll be glad to give them credit!

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